Canyonlands, slot cove, redrock, late afternoon, orange, pink, light shafts

In the afternoon we headed over to the Canyonlands, in the Needles, and played around with some little spots tucked in out of the wind.  It was picking up after having died down a bit later in the morning.  I was happy to be laying down out of the wind in this little cove playing with the small light shaft and sweeping lines of stone layers.


Canyonlands and Moab, Photo Workshop, red rocks, dead trees, landscape views

It has been a crazy week here in Moab, UT!  Bruce Hucko and Guy Tal are hosting a workshop and Symposium and wow, what a group!  We've had 5am meetings to go shoot the sunrise and ended the day with a session in the Canyonlands to return home at 11pm!  But what fun was had and the colors are just amazing!  

Here is a sunrise at Broken Arch, not my favorite spot but the colors were pretty.  Looked like two kissing gophers to me!  
