I was thinking of Paris. Then I ran across a number of photos of the Eiffel Tower from my travels and decided to show a small series of them.

Image The boats moving on the Seine are called the Bateau Mouche and some of them have a dinner cruise.  Though it takes one off the streets and into a boat full of tourists it is somehow historical to approach the city from this ancient passage and see the faces on the bridges or the house boats lined up on the sides of the river.  Cheesy it might be but it has a charming link to the past that appeals to me.

We bid goodbye to this gentle rancher, Coaxing the Girls in from the Pasture, photographed as an Impressionist painting.



And with a fond farewell, we wish all the folks that go to the Stock Show this weekend stay warm, curious and visit the Coors Art Exhibit.

Remember, if you go,  ask to be shown the Club Art so you can take a look at the exhibit showing in the very private Cattleman's Club.  You have to ask at the Coors Show to be taken there, it is worth your time and thank you for all of your support!