Las Arenas, The old bull ring, Barcelona, view of the Magic Fountains

I just can't seem to resist the view from the top of the old bull ring on a beautiful night when the fountains are dancing with colors, the lasers are shining and the lights on the Olympic tower are flashing? How touristic of me! But there is something that draws me to the heights to watch the busses, taxis and cars in their endless circling around the base of the Plaça Espanya statues while people zig and zag across the streets rushing forward when the lights change and gathering at the corners when the signals turn red so as not to become a statistic.Come up to the top, enjoy something at the Japaanese Restaurant, Watatsumi , and enjoy the frenetic energy of the wheels going round and round below!


Tapas bar Ciutat Comtal, Barcelona waiters dodge traffic to bring food to the Ramblas Catalunya

image The line of motorcycles, the line of people out the door, the line of umbrellas marching don the Rambla Catalunya all seem to match the lines of plates holding some of the most interesting tapas! It is so much fun to watch the parade of dishes going back and forth across the street with the occasional taxi stopping to lat a waiter pass by.

Barcelona, Ciutat Comtal, tapas and waiters dodging taxis

The line of motorcycles, the line of people out the door, the line of umbrella marching along the Rambla Catalunya all seem to match the lines of plates holding some of the most interesting tapas!  It is so much fun to watch the parade of dishes going back and forth across the street with the occasional taxi stopping to let a waiter pass by.  One of my favorite standbys, Ciutat Comtal offers no end to the amusement of people watching!  






Tapas Basque Style

20130905-005005.jpgYou just have to come to Spain and have a taste of the amazing food at a Tapas Bar such as this! The freshest food, tastiest combinations, great wine and friends and the menu changes seasonally. Why don't we have more of these in the States?! I guess we would have just one less reason to come to Spain! Try one, you just might like it!

Barcelona Statues on the Fountains

20130904-095738.jpg I have a friend who photographs the way locals use their city but I enjoy watching how tourists use cities. I was attracted to the almost shadowy appearance of the statues on the fountains in the Plaça Catalunya when I noticed some people stopping to have their pictures taken while others just passed by. It makes me think about how puzzled I am when I hear people say "We did Barcelona and then we did Paris...etc.". What do we mean by "did"? Is it just checking off places as if it were a shopping list? Would they get more out of their adventure if they stopped and took time to just be part of the scene? Or is this a personality thing and some are just more comfortable checking off the sights and adding them to their catalogue of things they have seen in their lives? Do they incorporate these experiences or do they compartmentalize them? And do they get more or less out of their travels than those who are not the checking things off? What about the non-doer travelers, how do they differ in their experiences? I don't want to judge, I am just exploring the topic, we each walk in our own shoes and i have a bunch of blisters! Any thoughts about this?